Before arriving in Antarctica with Manchurian ponies, he had discussed with Oates the possibility of using Indian mules the following summer. By mid March seven mules, the gift of the Indian Government were ordered. On 6 February 1912 the mules arrived on the Terra Nova. “Had we lived I should have had a tale to tell of the hardihood, endurance and courage of my companions which would have stirred the heart of every Englishman.”
Captain message to the public, March 1912. (Robert Falcon Scott)
Команда "The Happy Road", БОУ г. Омска "Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 112". Who won the Trafalgar battle? What was he? (Horatio Nelson. He was the famous British admiral).
Players. БОУ"Гимназия1" She is an American singer and actress. Her participation in the musical «Funny Girl» in 1964 made her a major star. (Barbara Streisand)
Команда "Super Nuts" МБОУ "Большереченская СОШ№2" How many famous people have the UK! All the team “Super Nuts” took part in the searching facts. The process was very exciting. It was very useful to know additional information about celebrities.
Уважаемые организаторы проекта! Не допущена ли ошибка в написании имени Elisabeth в вопросе № 4? Вместо "s" надо "z". В своем ответе на следующий вопрос викторины сохранили Ваш вариант написания.
Команда "Wonder Kids" БОУ "Чекрушанская СОШ" Our team worked hard, searching the information. The UK isarich in outstanding people. Cool, that people of different time and different professions were mentioned. Manchester textile chemist who developed a rubber solution for coating fabrics which led to the production of waterproof raincoats or mackintoshes in 1823.....
Команда "Fortune hunters" БОУ "Самсоновская СОШ" Quiz is very interesting and the children learned new facts from the history of Britain. Our question: Who is the star of the film "Lawrence of Arabia" ? (Peadar Séamus Lorcán Ó Tuathail)
Этот английский государственный деятель, военачальник и вождь революции жил в XVII веке. Он внёс огромный вклад в формирование современной Англии.Он родился в городе Кембридж и первые 40 лет своей жизни провёл в деревне, однако волею судьбы оказался на вершине государственной власти.Память о нём навсегда останется в истории Англии. Кто этот видный государственный деятель? 1. Томас Кромвель 2. Роберт Кромвель 3. Оливер Кромвель 4. Карл I
Our team: Гриффиндор. He was a great director and a film actor. He was known as the comic, who played in black and white cinema . Some people say "He was the best-known person in the world... Only Christ and Napoleon could be compared with his popularity." (Charlie Chaplin)
Thank you for that experience. Our team was really interested in questions. It was a good opportunity to practise our language and know more. (Гриффиндор)
Team "Phoenix". Which famous English actor studied for a degree in Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge and even took part in Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race?
Before arriving in Antarctica with Manchurian ponies, he had discussed with Oates the possibility of using Indian mules the following summer. By mid March seven mules, the gift of the Indian Government were ordered. On 6 February 1912 the mules arrived on the Terra Nova.
ОтветитьУдалить“Had we lived I should have had a tale to tell of the hardihood, endurance and courage of my companions which would have stirred the heart of every Englishman.”
Captain message to the public, March 1912.
(Robert Falcon Scott)
Команда "The Happy Road", БОУ г. Омска "Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 112".
ОтветитьУдалитьWho won the Trafalgar battle? What was he?
(Horatio Nelson. He was the famous British admiral).
Orange МКОУ "Нижнеомская СОШ №2"
ОтветитьУдалитьHe lived in Alaska for some years and wrote 152 stories about the North.
(Jack London)
Players. БОУ"Гимназия1"
ОтветитьУдалитьShe is an American singer and actress. Her participation in the musical «Funny Girl» in 1964 made her a major star.
(Barbara Streisand)
Команда "Super Nuts" МБОУ "Большереченская СОШ№2"
ОтветитьУдалитьHow many famous people have the UK! All the team “Super Nuts” took part in the searching facts. The process was very exciting. It was very useful to know additional information about celebrities.
Уважаемые организаторы проекта! Не допущена ли ошибка в написании имени Elisabeth в вопросе № 4? Вместо "s" надо "z". В своем ответе на следующий вопрос викторины сохранили Ваш вариант написания.
ОтветитьУдалитьЭтот комментарий был удален автором.
ОтветитьУдалитьКоманда "Wonder Kids" БОУ "Чекрушанская СОШ"
ОтветитьУдалитьOur team worked hard, searching the information. The UK isarich in outstanding people.
Cool, that people of different time and different professions were mentioned.
Manchester textile chemist who developed a rubber solution for coating fabrics which led to the production of waterproof raincoats or mackintoshes in 1823.....
Charles Macintosh
УдалитьЭтот комментарий был удален автором.
ОтветитьУдалитьЭтот комментарий был удален автором.
УдалитьКоманда "Fortune hunters" БОУ "Самсоновская СОШ"
ОтветитьУдалитьQuiz is very interesting and the children learned new facts from the history of Britain.
Our question: Who is the star of the film "Lawrence of Arabia" ? (Peadar Séamus Lorcán Ó Tuathail)
Our Team: "Spring Fairy"
УдалитьIrish actor Peter O'Toole is the star of the film "Lawrence of Arabia".
Этот английский государственный деятель, военачальник и вождь революции жил в XVII веке. Он внёс огромный вклад в формирование современной Англии.Он родился в городе Кембридж и первые 40 лет своей жизни провёл в деревне, однако волею судьбы оказался на вершине государственной власти.Память о нём навсегда останется в истории Англии. Кто этот видный государственный деятель?
ОтветитьУдалить1. Томас Кромвель
2. Роберт Кромвель
3. Оливер Кромвель
4. Карл I
команда "Fortune hunters": Оливер Кромвель
УдалитьOur Team: "Spring Fairy"
ОтветитьУдалитьDo you know a person who invented the dynamite?
Our team: Гриффиндор.
ОтветитьУдалитьHe was a great director and a film actor. He was known as the comic, who played in black and white cinema . Some people say "He was the best-known person in the world... Only Christ and Napoleon could be compared with his popularity."
(Charlie Chaplin)
Thank you for that experience. Our team was really interested in questions. It was a good opportunity to practise our language and know more.
Team Sawdust wants to thanks the authors of this project.
ОтветитьУдалить"It was cool to do something new and find info about famous people."
Team "Phoenix".
ОтветитьУдалитьWhich famous English actor studied for a degree in Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge and even took part in Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race?
(Hugh Laurie)
УдалитьTeam "Kids of Future"
ОтветитьУдалитьThere is a strong belief that the song “Greensleeves” was composed by a king for a lady he was in love with. Can you name the king and the lady?
(Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn)